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2.2 Office of the President

The chief administrative officer of UHV is the President, who is responsible for the operation of the university under authority delegated by the UH System chancellor. Reporting directly to the president are the provost and vice president for academic affairs; vice president for administration and finance; vice president for student affairs; vice president for enrollment management; vice president for advancement and external relations; athletics director; senior director for equal opportunity and executive administrative assistant to the president.

President’s Cabinet is vested with the responsibility of setting and reviewing institution-wide policies and for providing the overall direction of the university. The President’s Cabinet is composed of all major administrators, plus the elected heads of the Faculty Senate, Staff Council, and Student Government Association.

The faculty actively participates in university governance through the Faculty Senate, Faculty Council, and university committees. The composition and workings of the Faculty Senate are described in its Constitution and By-Laws found in Appendix B of the Faculty Manual. The Faculty Senate meets routinely during the academic year and when called by the Senate president. The Faculty Senate makes recommendations to the president and provost concerning matters of interest to the faculty.

2.2.1 Title IX and Equal Opportunity

Title IX and Equal Opportunity coordinates training and services related to Title IX, sexual misconduct, as well as opportunity and access.

2.2.2 Athletics Department

The Athletics Department oversees all athletic operations at UHV. UHV is a member of the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) and belongs to the Red River Athletic Conference [RRAC]. All Athletics Department staff, including coaches, report to the athletics director.