2.7 Standing Committees and Councils
2.7.1 President's Cabinet
The membership of the President's Cabinet consists of the president, provost and vice president for academic affairs, vice president for administration and finance, vice president for student affairs, vice president for enrollment management, vice president for advancement and external relations, associate provost for research and dean of graduate studies, associate provost for curriculum and student success, assistant provost for distance education, college deans, senior director of libraries, senior director of equal opportunity, senior director of information technology, senior director of marketing and communications, director of human resources, president of the faculty senate, president of staff council, and president of student government association. The Cabinet reviews and makes recommendations to the president on administrative policy questions.
2.7.2 Executive Committee
The Executive Committee (EC) is comprised of those holding vice president roles at UHV. This governing body meets regularly to discuss and make final recommendations to the university president, who is the committee chair. Recommendations come to the EC from any vice president, on matters concerning their respective areas. The EC may approve, amend, or disapprove the recommendations it receives. All matters forwarded by EC constitute recommendations to the president. All final decisions on any such changes remain within the purview of the president. Items for EC consideration are described by the respective vice president, discussed by the EC, and presented to the president for approval, amendment, or disapproval.
2.7.3 Human Subjects Committee
The Human Subjects Committee is federally mandated and reviews proposed research involving human subjects to ensure that it is in keeping with established principles and practices intended to protect the rights and welfare of participants. This mandated review applies to research conducted by faculty members or other university employees and applies, as well, to student research conducted as part of a course.
The committee reviews proposals for undertaking research projects involving human subjects and renders judgment on whether they can proceed as proposed, need to be adjusted to be in compliance, or cannot be undertaken as proposed. It also attends to the perpetuation of the committee and its charge; maintains appropriate records of actions taken; communicates the need for compliance with policies and procedures.
For additional information see UHV Policy J-06.
2.7.4 Other Standing Committees
Other standing committees are listed in Appendix A.