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Undergraduate Degrees

Launch your future. Your career begins with your undergraduate degree, the fuel you’ll need to move up and forward to the life you want. The UHV College of Natural and Applied Science undergraduate programs have launched many great careers for our successful alumni. How? Our outstanding faculty dive deep into their reservoir of knowledge and experiences in order to mentor students like you with goals and aspirations similar to your own. 

Computer and Information Sciences

The mission of the Department of Computer and Information Sciences is to provide programs that help students develop their computing and analytical skills, enabling them to excel in computing-related professions, contribute actively to their communities, and be committed to lifelong learning, development, and success.

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Natural Sciences and Mathematics

The Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics has a total of 13 amazing full time faculty members in the areas of Biology, Chemistry and Mathematics. Our department teaches classes from freshman level to senior level, and graduate courses as well. For instance, we offer 21 core classes which makes us the department with more classes in the university's core curriculum program. 

The part I like most about teaching at UHV is getting to know the students and knowing that I am making a real, personalized difference in their lives.

Daniel White

Assistant Professor of Biology

Daniel White