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Canvas Resources for Students

Profile and Account Settings (opens in new window)

Canvas Avatars for Students (opens in new window)

Canvas Profiles for Students (opens in new window)

Changing Your Name in Canvas - UHV Student Records (opens in new window)

Change of Primary Name - UHV Student Records Form (opens in new window)

Notification Preferences (opens in new window)

How to View Announcements in Canvas (opens in new window)

Canvas manual/documentation for students (opens in new window)

Canvas Video Guides for Students (opens in new window)

Questions/issues not answered on this page (see coordinator/tech support information below)

Contact the UHV Technology Coordinator/Support Tech for your particular UHV College. 

Submitting Assignments (opens in new window)

TurnItIn for Students with Instructor Feedback in Canvas (opens in new window)

TurnItIn for Students with Instructor Feedback in Canvas (video opens in new window)

TurnItIn for Students with Instructor Feedback in TurnItIn (opens in new window)

TurnItIn for Students with Instructor Feedback in TurnItIn (video opens in new window)

Canvas Rich Content Editor (opens in new window)

How to Submit an Assignment in Canvas (opens in new window)

Group Work for Students (opens in new window)

Discussions (opens in new window)

Canvas Calendar (opens in new window)

Canvas Courses and Course Materials (opens in new window)

Canvas Exams and Quizzes (opens in new window)

Preparing to Take an Online Exam (opens in new window)

  1. If your quiz or test requires the use of the Respondus LockDown Browser or Respondus Monitor (you can check with your professor if you're not sure) download the UHV-specific version of LockDown Browser for your device. 
  2. When it's time to take your online test using Respondus LockDown Browser or Respondus Monitor, close all applications, tools, etc. on your device and then open the LockDown Browser application you installed from the previous step.
  3. Once in the Lockdown Browser application, log into the UHV Canvas LMS, access your course, and start your test. 

Respondus LockDown Browser Student Overview (opens in a new window)

How Do I Use Respondus as a Student (opens in new window).

Troubleshoot Respondus LockDown Browser as a Student (opens in new window).

Viewing Grades and Feedback (opens in new window)

Ally for Student Accessibility in Canvas LMS (opens in new window)

New to the LMS Experience - Canvas "Passport to Canvas" Course Introduces the Canvas LMS Student Experience:

If you are a brand new student to the Canvas LMS, the Canvas vendor provides a separate "Passport to Canvas" course where students can register and learn more about the basics of the Canvas LMS. This "Passport to Canvas" course (opens in new window) is provided separately by the Instructure/Canvas vendor and isn't associated with the UHV campus. You'll use a separate, self-managed account and password to access the "Passport to Canvas" course. UHV and the UHV Help Desk won't be able to assist you with any type of password resets or account username identification associated with the "Passport to Canvas" course. You'll need to manage the username and password details yourself.