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Browser/Computer Setup Problems

Canvas works on one computer but not another...

If you can log in to Canvas successfully from one computer but not another, then the problem is likely a browser or other computer compatibility issue. If you are able to make changes on the other computer, double-check for:

  1. A compatible browser
  2. Correct browser settings
  3. Personal firewalls and pop-up blockers
  4. Any spyware

I can't log in to Canvas from work...

If you can log in to Canvas successfully from home, but not work, then the problem is likely a firewall, browser, or computer compatibility issue. If you are able to make changes on your office computer, double-check for 1) a compatible browser, 2) correct browser settings, and 3) any spyware.

Many companies operate behind a firewall to protect the networked computers from viruses or other types of attacks. Contact your employer's network administrator to determine the scope of the firewall and if changes can be made to make Canvas accessible via your office computer. The main Canvas application operates over the standard web server port 80, but also uses the SSL 440 port, so confirm with your IT Department that these ports are open. Your office network may also have other mechanisms in place to block domains or web addresses. The UHV Canvas instance is available at If your company cannot change their firewall or network protection, then you must use another computer to access your online courses.

After I log in to Canvas, I get redirected back to the Login or Institution page...

First, make sure you are using a compatible web browser (Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari or Chrome):

If you are still experiencing this problem, then check the following...

When I click on a course title in Canvas, my browser shuts down...

First, make sure that you are using a supported browser and have followed the suggestions above. Also, uninstall any browser toolbars. These may cause erratic behavior in Canvas. And finally, make sure that you have either disabled your pop-up blocker or have changed the setting in your pop-up blocker to always allow pop-ups for the UHV Canvas website (

Why do I get sent to some other web site when I log in to Canvas?

If, when you log in to Canvas, you are being automatically redirected to another web site, then it's possible your browser is being "hijacked" by spyware. These programs are commonly installed automatically by other programs, such as file-sharing programs. It is recommended that you uninstall or temporarily disable these programs while accessing Canvas.

Why does my browser close unexpectedly?

You are not authorized to view this page...

Canvas recommends installing more than one web browser on your computer or laptop. Log out and close the browser you are encountering issues with and try logging into Canvas with a different browser to determine if this resolves your issue. If you are still experiencing problems, contact the technology specialists in your school or fill out and complete the Support Request Form for additional help and assistance.

Canvas session already running...

Canvas recommends installing more than one web browser on your computer or laptop. Log out and close the browser you are encountering issues with and try logging into Canvas with a different browser to determine if this resolves your issue. If you are still experiencing problems, contact the technology specialists in your school or fill out and complete the Support Request Form for additional help and assistance.

Also, while in Canvas, do not choose to open a new window (File/New/Window or right-click and "Open in new window") and then return to your login page and log in again. Canvas tracks multiple sessions by the same user, so if you would like to have a second browser open with Canvas, you must launch a new browser window and then login (either launch from your desktop, taskbar, or start/programs menu). It may be less confusing to launch a second Canvas session using another supported browser, like Firefox or Google Chrome.

My Computer has a different version of Microsoft Office?

Different versions of Office are compatible.  Office 2007 and 2010 files have an x in the extension, for example a Word file will have .docx at the end of it.  Users who are still running Office 2003 will need to download the conversion utility from Microsoft to view these files. 

My Computer is Running Internet Explorer 7 (IE7) will Canvas still Work?

This version is no longer supported.  It is recommended that you upgrade your browser to Microsoft Edge.

My Computer is Running Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) will Canvas still Work?

This version is no longer supported. It's recommended that you upgrade your browser to Microsoft Edge. Refer to the list of compatible internet browsers provided by the Canvas vendor.