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Emergency Management

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The Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP) is in direct support of the Emergency Operations Plan and the Business Continuity Plan established by UHV. The framework of the plan assists in minimizing the potential impacts of disasters and allowing for rapid recovery and return to operations of the university.

This plan has outlined key UHV personnel who are responsible for the performance and management of the MEF. COOP activation will allow key personnel to be notified and initiate the plans for the university. Key personnel should be prepared to implement the COOP and actively perform the MEF responsibilities. Upon plan activation, these members will deploy to the University of Houston-Victoria building designated for Emergency Management/COOP

For more information contact the Emergency Management office.

Continuity of Operations Forms

Curently Under Construction

UHV Division COOP Templates

UHV COOP Dependency Form

UHV Business Impact Analysis (BIA) and Mission Essential Functions (MEF)


Determining Essential Functions

Determining Essential Functions

UHV's Departments may determine the Essential Functions as services, programs, or specific activities critical to maintaining the operations of UHV. Essential Functiosn will directly affect the department's success if an event or natural disaster caused operations on campus to stop for an extended period of time.

A Department may rate essential functions as a guide to decide the minimum level of services required to activate the department and maintain a business function. Essential functions identify what will be required for a department to maintain functions after the major disruption of normal events. 

Each Department should identify FIVE essential functions and consider adding more if you find your department's operations to be more complex. 

 Prioritize the Department's Essential Functions

Departments will prioritze the daily operations as essential,but evaluaions require identifying critical vs non-critical.  Department's should decide on what can be suspended, for how long, how could the function be performed at a remote location. Department activities may be suspended for several weeks, while others cannot be stopped for more than one day, but it will depend on the circumstances. Each department should prioritize it's functions and begin the process of establishing a recovery plan. Recovery plans should identify functions that are the most important to operations at UHV. Below is general guidance to help you prioritize your functions.

Essential Functions can be rated as:



Recovery Time



Function directly impacts the life, health, safety, or security of the UHV community and stopping would have significant consequences.


< 4 hours



Function must continue at normal or increased level. Pausing for more than 24 hours may cause significant consequences or serious harm to business operations, upstream and downstream dependent organizations or units, revenue and finances, reputation, or other core mission services.


< 24 hours



Function must be continued if at all possible, perhaps in reduced mode. Stopping for more than one week may cause major disruption to business operations, upstream and downstream dependent organizations or units, revenue and finances, or other core mission services.


< 1 week



Function could be suspended for up to one month without causing significant disruption to business operations, upstream and downstream dependent organizations or units, revenue and finances, or other core mission services.


< 1 month



Function may pause and resume when conditions permit. Deferring this function for more than one month may cause slight disruption to business operations, upstream and downstream dependent organizations or units, revenue and finances, or other core mission services.


> 1 month