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5.7 Employing Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct faculty members are important and valued contributors to the university’s instructional effort. The university seeks to provide them with the guidance and support needed to carry out their teaching duties effectively. Deans or their designees are responsible for ensuring that new adjunct members receive sufficient orientation, including:

  1. "General Information” sheets for faculty that explain processes, services, and expectations.
  2. Sample syllabi for the course being taught and/or similarly relevant materials.
  3. Responses to frequently asked questions on where to go, who to see, and what to do.

The dean may assign an experienced full-time or part-time colleague to serve as a mentor on instructional issues and questions. Adjunct members have access to the same administrative, instructional-support, and library services as full-time faculty members. All adjuncts shall receive a UHV email account. Shared office space may be provided for adjunct faculty members, including computer and telephone.

Evaluation of instruction includes mandatory student surveys for each course, as well as review of syllabi and other course materials. It may include class visits with appropriate notification to the faculty member.

Adjunct members are reimbursed for approved expenses related to the performance of their instructional duties.