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Biennial Review Report

Biennial review of University of Houston-Victoria’s Alcohol and Other Drug Initiatives and Policies for 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 academic years.


The Drug Free Schools and Campuses Regulations (34 CFR Part 86) of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act (DFSCA) require an institution of higher education such as the University of Houston-Victoria (“University”) to certify it has adopted and implemented programs to prevent the abuse of alcohol and use or distribution of illicit drugs both by students and employees both on its premises and as a part of any of its activities.

The University acknowledges its obligation to conduct a biennial review of compliance with the DFSCA and authorized an administrative review to be conducted to determine if the University fulfills the requirements of these Federal regulations. The Division of Student Affairs, together with Student Services, Safety Office, Human Resources, is responsible for conducting the review and reporting on the findings.

The intention of this document is to summarize and evaluate the effectiveness of the programs and activities related to alcohol and drug prevention during the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 academic years.

Review Committee Membership

Stuart Sherman, Director, Emergency Management, Committee Chair
Genaro Cortez, Risk Management, Business Services
Shelly Frank, Director, Director of Human Resources
Denise Hernandez, Registrar, Registrar & Student Records
Jay Lambert, Vice President, Student Affairs
Tim Michalski, Director, Business Services/Institutional Compliance
Ashley Walyuchow, Director, Athletics
Michael Wilkinson, Sr. Director, Student Services & Judicial Affairs
Lashon Williams, Director, Financial Aid

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Alcohol and drug prevention policies and procedures in the following University departments are reviewed for the biennial review:

  • Academics
  • Athletics
  • Business Services
  • Enrollment Management
  • Human Resources
  • Registrar & Student Records
  • Residence Life
  • Student Affairs
  • Student Services
  • The Counseling Center

Compliance with Drug Free Schools and Communities Act

The University continues to remain in compliance with the requirements of the DFSCA and has adopted and implemented programs to prevent the abuse of alcohol and use or distribution of illicit drugs by its students and employees as demonstrated by this biennial review. The University maintains written policies on alcohol and other drugs and has developed a thorough method for distributing this policy to every student and employee.

The Department of Education requires that each institution of higher education distribute its annual AOD policy notification in writing. The written materials are annually distributed and contain the following information:

As a part of the biennial review, the following data, resources and programs were examined:

In compliance with the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act, the University has implemented a program to prevent the illicit use of drugs and the abuse of alcohol by students and employees. The program includes annual distribution of information to students and employees concerning the possession, use, or distribution of alcohol and illicit drugs at the University.

The Federally Mandated Policy about alcohol and other drugs is distributed annually to each staff member and student as follows:

The University of Houston-Victoria Administrative Policy and Procedure C-19, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program is distributed after each periodic revision to faculty and staff and to all new employees during new employee orientation.

The student Alcohol and Other Drug Policy is distributed upon enrollment and annually via email in the Student Handbook. The AOD report is available online to staff and students.


The University prohibits the unlawful use, manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, or possession of illicit drugs and or alcohol in the workplace, on the campus, or at any University activity. Penalties for violation of this policy are indicated below.

Consequently, the use of alcoholic beverages is prohibited on the campus or as part of any University activity unless for an approved sponsored activity where alcoholic beverages may be legally distributed. For certain University events or functions, alcohol may be served only to those persons of legal drinking age who, if so requested by the event sponsor, are able to verify their age with a state issued identification, passport or similar document. For more information, review UHV Administrative Policy and Procedure A-41, Alcoholic Beverage Use on Campus.

The University’s policy on alcohol and drugs is implemented across the University community. Most commonly, it is articulated in the Academic Catalog, Student Handbook, Student-Athlete’s Handbook, and the University Administrative Policy and Procedure C-19, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Program. The University’s Student Services office provides overall coordination of the DFSCA Program and coordinates with other departments in the oversight of University policy, including:


The unlawful use, manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, or possession of drugs or alcohol is inconsistent with the behavior expected of members of the University community. The University is committed to the development and maintenance of a drug-free environment on the campus as well as an environment that prohibits the abuse of other drugs and alcohol. The University has a drug and alcohol abuse prevention program in operation, accessible to all members of the University community. The University is committed to the further expansion of that program and the dissemination of drug awareness information to the members of the University community. In addition, the University is committed to enforcing the provisions of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1989 and believes that these acts and their implementation regulations provide the proper framework for the drug and alcohol abuse policies of the University.

University Student Alcohol Use Policy

The University neither condones nor sanctions the use of alcohol. All individuals are expected to observe the applicable local, state and federal laws. The University strictly prohibits the use, consumption, possession, and distribution of alcohol by any student, regardless of legal age, within the residence halls, on campus grounds, or at University-sponsored activities.

For certain University events or functions, alcohol may be served only to those persons of legal drinking age who, if so requested by the event sponsor, are able to verify their age with a state issued identification, passport or similar document. Written permission from the University President or a Vice President to serve alcohol, and any legally required alcohol permits must be obtained prior to the function.

University Student Drug Use Policy

The unlawful possession, use, sale, or distribution of illegal drugs or controlled substances is prohibited within the residence halls, on campus grounds, or at University-sponsored events. Drug paraphernalia is not permitted within the residence halls, on campus grounds, or at University-sponsored activities.

Student Athlete Drug, Alcohol and Tobacco Policy

The University prohibits the unlawful possession, use, or distribution of drugs, alcohol, or tobacco by student athletes, on or off campus. The University and Athletics Department oppose the misuse or abuse of alcohol, which it defines as “any alcohol related behavior that adversely affects a person’s life in regard to physical health, feelings of self-esteem, personal or family relationships, educational, occupational goals or one’s standing in regard to local, state or federal laws.” All student athletes are to abide by University standards and the Student Code of Conduct as defined in the current Student Handbook and any additional standards as determined by their coach via team rules. Students who violate the University Student Code of Conduct are subject to sanctions that may be independent of and/or in addition to those described in the UHV Student-Athlete's Handbook.

Residence Hall Policies on Drugs & Alcohol

It is the University’s intent to provide a drug-free, healthy, safe, and secure academic environment. The University’s Residence Hall policies on drugs and alcohol track the University policies. The following policies and guidelines have been established to uphold the University’s obligation to its students, faculty, and surrounding community.

The University neither condones nor sanctions the use of alcohol. All individuals are expected to observe the alcoholic beverage laws of the State of Texas. The University strictly prohibits the use, consumption, possession, and distribution of alcohol by any student, regardless of legal age, within the University housing facilities, on campus grounds, or at University-sponsored activities.

The possession, unlawful use, sale, or distribution of illegal drugs is prohibited on the University campus. Also, drug paraphernalia is not permitted on the University campus.

Intercollegiate Athletics Drug Education and Testing Program Policy

The University hereby adopts a policy for drug education and the prevention of drug abuse. This policy includes the testing and education of student athletes involved in intercollegiate athletics at the University of Houston-Victoria. This policy is based on a presumption against the use of any artificial chemical substances that are not medically necessary (i.e., taken under orders of a physician, with notice to the athletic training staff). If an athlete has any questions about a given substance, then he/she should consult the Athletic Director.

For specific policies which govern student athlete’s conduct including sanctions, drug education and testing programs reference the UHV Student-Athlete's Handbook.

Employee Policies

The University prohibits the manufacture, distribution, dispensation, sale, purchase, or transfer of any controlled substance by its employees on University premises or while conducting University business. The University prohibits the unlawful possession or use of any controlled substance by its employees on University premises or while conducting University business. Employees may not report to work under the influence of an unauthorized controlled substance. Controlled substances include those drugs listed in the federal Controlled Substances Act.

The University also prohibits the use, possession, distribution, transfer or sale of any drug paraphernalia on University premises or while conducting University business. In addition, the University prohibits employees from reporting to work under the influence of, dispensing, possessing or using alcohol on University premises or while conducting University business except as permitted at specific University events.


The University seeks to uphold University drug and alcohol-related policies and laws and will impose disciplinary sanctions against those students and/or employees who violate said policies and laws consistent with local, State or Federal law. Enforcement of the University’s Drug and Alcohol polices is facilitated by Campus Police, the Sr. Director of Student Services & Judicial Affairs, the Director of Residence Life, and the Director of Human Resources. As part of the disciplinary process, the University may also request that the student or employee complete a rehabilitation program.

Student Sanctions

Any student who admits to or is found to have violated the University’s Student Code of Conduct regarding the unlawful use, manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, or possession of illicit drugs and alcohol on the campus or at University activities held off-campus will be subject to disciplinary action (up to and including expulsion), may be referred for prosecution, and may be requested to satisfactorily participate in a drug and alcohol assistance, educational, or rehabilitation program as agreed upon by the student and the University, or as sanctioned.

In addition, any student athlete should reference the UHV Student Athlete Conduct Code section in the UHV Student-Athlete's Handbook for specific policies which govern student athlete’s conduct including sanctions for the unlawful use, manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, or possession of illicit drugs and alcohol on the campus or at University activities held off-campus.

Employee Sanctions

Any employee who admits to or is found to have violated the University’s substance abuse policies regarding the unlawful use, manufacture, sale, distribution, dispensation, or possession of illicit drugs and alcohol on the campus or at University activities held off-campus will be subject to disciplinary action (up to and including termination), may be referred for prosecution, and may be required to satisfactorily participate in a drug and alcohol assistance or rehabilitation program, as agreed upon between the employee, the employee's supervisor and the Director of Human Resources.


The University acknowledges the diverse needs of its community of learners – both students who physically attend the campus and those who attend online. In approaching prevention and support services to the student community, the University recognizes these diverse needs and has approached prevention education with an eye to the community being served in each modality.

The University student population represents traditional-aged college students in both commuter and residential settings. The University's online student population is typically comprised of non-traditional aged students, primarily working adults, accessing their learning environment remotely and in an exclusively online modality.

The University acknowledges the distinctions between the populations by developing alcohol and other drug prevention education efforts that are responsive to the audience.

Intervention and Support Services

Employee Assistance Programs

The Human Resources Department has information available on the Deer Oaks Employee Assistance Program. Through the Employee Assistance Program, or EAP, employees can access free, convenient, and confidential professional services which include alcohol/drug assessments and referral programs. EAP is available to all benefits eligible University employees.

To learn more about the variety of services offered by Dear Oaks EAP, visit the EAP Services - Deer Oaks EAP to view some of the educational materials or to review the Dear Oaks EAP Employee Orientation. This brief presentation discusses the different services available to you and your family under the EAP.

Student Assistance Programs

All UHV students including students on a Faculty or Staff Scholarship are eligible for services through the Counseling Center staff. Students who have concerns about alcohol and other drug use are welcome to consult with the professional staff at the Counseling Center regarding available drug and alcohol counseling on campus and in the community. Referrals can also be made to rehabilitation programs, mutual help organizations, private hospitals, and private and public treatment programs. The Counseling Center can also provide resource and self-help materials pertinent to substance use.

Individual Counseling

Individuals are seen free of charge on a short-term basis for assistance with substance related problems at the Counseling Center. For alcohol and drug dependence, the Counseling Center staff may make a referral to comprehensive services.

Group Counseling

The Counseling Center provides group counseling free of charge to students. Additionally, there are several Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) groups in the Victoria area. The following webpage provides information about current groups:

Alcoholics Anonymous in the Southwest Texas Area

There are also Narcotics Anonymous (NA) groups in the Coastal Bend area. Information about groups is provided at Coastal Bend Area of NA.

Psycho-Educational Programs

The Counseling Center staff can arrange for psycho-educational programs to be provided to the university community upon request.

Learn more about the Counseling Center, or to request an appointment, visit the Counseling Center Hours, Location & Appointments webpage.

Evaluation of Plan

Program Strengths

Program Weaknesses

The University does not survey or conduct environmental assessment to have a clear understanding of the scope of the problem. This lack of data prevents effective analysis of trends. To assist in strengthening the AOD program, information obtained during Maxient (student incident reporting) and Clery Act report reviews will be used to portray active trends for this campus.

Program Recommendations


The University organized a committee for engaging in a biennial review of compliance with the DFSCA and conducted a review to summarize and evaluate the effectiveness of the University’s programs and activities related to alcohol and drug prevention during the 2020-2021 and 2021-2022 academic years.

The University continues to remain in compliance with the requirements of the DFSCA and has adopted and implemented programs to prevent the abuse of alcohol and use or distribution of illicit drugs by its students and employees. This is demonstrated the University’s comprehensive approach to addressing alcohol and other drug issues in its community. The University remains committed to creating a safe and healthy environment for its students.

Resources and DRSCA Publications