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Student Involvement

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Poster Guidelines & Location Checklist

  1. All marketing materials to be displayed on the poster bars must be 11”x17” vertically aligned.
  2. Materials may not be posted or distributed if they are obscene, libelous, or advocate the deliberate violation of a federal or state law or published university policy.
  3. All posters must be approved by Marketing & Communications (M&C), prior to posting.
  4. Poster bars are for displaying UHV related events and opportunities only.
  5. Community or non-UHV related materials may be sent to either M&C or Student Involvement for approval and will then be posted on our Opportunity Boards.
  6. Student Organizations may post materials to the Student Organization boards in Jaguar Hall or University Commons without approval.
  7. Do not hang posters on top of another poster.
  8. Spread posters out and do not hang the same poster in the same sections.
  9. Please follow poster limits per building noted on the checklist below.
  10. Please remove materials when they are no longer relevant.

Please review UHV Policy D-8: Posting of Notices, for complete policy details.

Jaguar Hall (4 posters max)

Jaguar Suites (2 posters max)

Court (Semester posters ONLY)

University Center (2 posters max)

University Commons (4 posters max)

University North (2 posters max)

University South (4 posters max)

University West (6 posters max)