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Student Health and Safety

Campus Safety and Security

All crime is serious if you are a victim. Students and employees must assume an active role in their personal safety and the security of their personal property. Students, faculty, and staff are responsible for adopting measures to protect themselves and their possessions. Learn to be observant and aware of your surroundings. If you notice suspicious activity or observe a crime, be observant of the circumstances and report the incident. Do not hesitate to call Emergency Assistance 911 or Campus Security at (361) 570-4357. Do not assume someone else has reported the incident.

The following precautions provide guidance:

  1. Report all suspicious activity to Campus Police or Security immediately at (361) 570-4357.

  2. Report unsafe conditions or hazards to Security at 361-570-HELP (4357).

  3. Never take personal safety for granted.

  4. Try to avoid walking alone at night.

  5. Limit your alcohol consumption, and leave social functions that get too loud, too crowded, or that have too many people drinking excessively. Remember to call Security, or 911, for help at the first sign of trouble.

  6. Carry only small amounts of cash.

  7. Never leave valuables (wallets, purses, books, calculators, etc.) unattended.

  8. Carry your keys at all times and do not lend them to anyone.

  9. Lock up bicycles and motorcycles. Lock car doors and close windows when leaving your car.

  10. Always lock the door to your residence hall room, whether or not you are there. Be certain that your door is locked when you go to sleep, and keep windows closed and locked when you are not at home.

  11. Do not leave valuables in your car, especially if they can be easily noticed.

  12. Engrave serial numbers or owner’s recognized numbers, such as a driver’s license number, on items of value.

  13. Inventory your personal property and insure it appropriately with personal insurance coverage.

  14. Register your laptop computer with the UHPD.

  15. If attending night classes, try to park in lighted areas. Have your car keys out when you return to your vehicle and check the front and back seats before entering. If you feel unsafe walking alone back to your car night, walk with a group or call Security and ask for an escort to your vehicle.

  16. Be familiar with work safety policies and procedures.

  17. Develop an office alert procedure (a simple signal) with co-workers to let each other know when one is in trouble.

  18. Be very cautious about providing personal information, such as your SSN over the telephone or Internet.

  19. Leave your office blinds open so security and others can easily see inside as they make their rounds.

Campus Carry

On June 13, 2015 Governor Greg Abbott signed into law Senate Bill No. 11 (SB. 11), also known as the "campus carry" law. S.B. 11 amends Section 411.2031 of the Texas Government Code to all carrying of handguns by license holders on college campuses beginning on August 1, 2016. More information is available at Campus Carry.

Clery Act Annual Security Report

The University is committed to providing a safe and secure university environment. The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics (Clery Act) is the landmark federal law, originally known as the Campus Security Act that requires colleges and universities across the United States to disclose information about crime on and around their campuses.

Campus Police compiles and publishes this Annual Security Report on or before October 1. Interested persons may obtain a printed copy of this report by coming by the UHPD office in Jaguar Hall, 2705 Houston Highway, Suite 1122, Victoria, TX 77901, or downloading the report in PDF format.

Daily Crime Log (Clery Act)

The purpose of the Daily Crime Log is to record criminal incidents and alleged criminal incidents that are reported to the campus police or security department or through incident reports.

The Daily Crime Log is an “evergreen” document in that when additions or changes are necessary the existing file will be replaced with a new file reflecting the new information.

In addition to the Annual Security Report, UHPD maintains a daily log of crimes committed on campus which is available for review in the UHV Police Office at Jaguar Hall, 2705 Houston Highway, Suite 1122, Victoria, TX 77901, or on our website.

Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline

Fraud & Non-Compliance Hotline is a third party incident reporting system. This secure system is intended to provide a comfortable environment for reporting as well as complete anonymity if that is your preference. Employees and students are encouraged to report fraud, waste or other concerns suggestive of dishonest or illegal activities. Concerns regarding troubling or threatening employee or student behavior should also be reported. Reports may be made either online or by calling the hotline number.

Reporting Criminal Activity or an Emergency

The University of Houston-Victoria strongly encourages reporting all crimes on campus to UHPD. There are some very good reasons, in addition to prosecuting criminal activity, to promptly report crime.

  • Timely notification about certain types of crime may affect the safety of others. These crimes may include murder, rape, sexual assault, robbery and arson. When UHPD receives reports of these types of crimes, we will notify the community members of possible risks; via email, electronic media or text messaging (while still protecting the victim's identity).
  • When you make your report, you assist UHPD in initiating an investigation, which in turn could lead to arrest, which means a possible dangerous offender is removed from campus.

In Person

The UHV Police Services office is located in Jaguar Hall, 2705 Houston Highway, Suite 1122, Victoria, TX 77901.

By Telephone

  • For Emergencies, Dial 9-1-1
  • For Non-Emergencies, Dial (361) 570-4357 (570-HELP)
Online (non-emergency only)

To request police assistance, contact the University of Houston Police Department at 361-570-4357 (570-HELP).