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Related University Policies and Guidelines

Emergency or Partial Campus Closure

Only the UHV President (or designee) is authorized to close the university.

If the campus is closed, students, faculty and staff will be notified through emergency information procedures.

Unit heads should make every effort to ensure that individuals without computers receive emergency notices. They should maintain a list of alternate phone numbers to facilitate off-campus notifications.

The Provost and/or Dean may approve cancellation of individual classes.

Classes in a building that has been closed or evacuated should be moved to other buildings on campus, unless a campus wide emergency exists. The Office of the Registrar and Student Records maintains a list of available classrooms and will help relocate classes. A faculty member/unit head should notify students and post a notice of the changes on the door of the room(s) affected, when possible.

Students should check their UHV e-mail or call the appropriate academic school to determine class status.