Department Administrator Responsibilities
The awarding School or Departmental Administrator is tasked with processing all grant related transactions according to the award conditions with the approval of the PI. The Department Administrator is encouraged to contact the ORSP with any question or concerns regarding sponsored program administration. The department is responsible for:
Hiring personnel
- setting up new hire appointments with HR for all grant-funded employees,
- processing electronic Position Fund Requests (ePRF) for grant-funded positions, and
- submitting electronic Personnel Action Request (ePAR) to hire new employees including student employees and
- submitting ePAR’s for annual increases (this is not a process done by Budget or HR)
Requisitions, Purchase Orders, Vouchers, and Service contract
- Travel reimbursement
- Participant stipend payments
- Order equipment
- Services Contracts
- Preparing Contract Administration Forms
- Create purchase requisition and payment vouchers
ProCard & Travel Card
- Purchasing supplies, as stated in the approved budget with the PI’s or PD’s approval.
- Reminder: the delegated departmental purchasers must obtain ORSP signature approval on their Expense Report for any grant-funded activities
Perform Monthly Verifications
- It is the department’s responsibility to complete the monthly verification process for each of their grant cost centers.
- Grant cost centers can vary from those that are reimbursable grants to the kind that are advanced/fixed funding. For any questions about a grant cost center, please do not hesitate to contact the ORSP Grant Coordinator.
Correcting Errors
On occasion, errors happened. It is the department’s responsibility to correct these errors.
- Unallowable expenditures
- Water, food, entertainment, alcohol
- Expenses applied to the wrong grant
- Expenses applied to the department’s cost center rather than the grant cost center.
Contact the ORSP if you need assistance in determining how best to resolve the error.
Property Management
Property records are maintained according to UHV policy H-2, Property Management or additional provisions required by the awarding agency.
Record Retention
Sponsored Program records are maintained according to UHV Records Retention Policy, A-36.uhv po