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Human Subjects Committee

The Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects (CPHS) is charged with reviewing all proposals that involve using human subjects to provide data for faculty or student research involving external funding or scholarly presentations or publications. Each proposal must be submitted to the CPHS using the application for the Protection of Human Subjects. Please, email Angela Hartmann to receive an electronic copy of the application. Normally, faculty/staff should expect a two week turn-around following the application submission.

Even if you think your project is exempt from CPHS review, only someone from the committee is empowered to make that decision. Failure to submit required research projects to the CPHS for review is a violation of UH system policy and federal regulations.

UHV Human Subjects Policies and Procedures

Protection of Human Subjects Policy

Exempt Categories, Expedited Categories, Data Retention, and Informed Consent.

CITI Human Subjects Research Educational Program