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Staff Performance Appraisals

Section:  Human Resources
Index: C-13 


The University of Houston-Victoria (UHV) recognizes the value of its employees and understands that the quality of university services depends upon the employees. This policy aims to provide staff with constructive feedback k on their job performance, align expectations, and foster personal and professional development.  Appraisals support the university in recognizing contributions and identifying areas where performance improvement is necessary. 

Applies to regular, benefits-eligible staff:


Supervisory discretion:

Purpose and Objectives of Performance Appraisals

Performance appraisals serve as a critical mechanism for communicating with employees about the quality of their work, offering insight into areas of strength as well as opportunities for improvement. They are designed to be a positive, constructive tool for evaluating performance, reinforcing accountability, and aligning employees with the university's goals and expectations. Through this process, supervisors can provide meaningful feedback that drives employee engagement, development, and continuous improvement.

Performance Appraisals are also an essential management tool. They support informed decision-making regarding personnel matters such as identifying training needs, making merit-based pay adjustments, facilitating internal transfers, and guiding promotions and career development pathways. When conducted effectively, appraisals ensure that the workforce is aligned with organizational objectives and is continuously evolving.

The key objectives of the performance appraisal process include:

Overall, performance appraisals strengthen the organization by promoting a culture of accountability, transparency, and growth, ensuring that each employee contributes effectively to the university’s mission.

Performance appraisals will run on a calendar year.  Performance appraisals shall be scheduled, conducted, and documented by February 20th for the previous calendar year will be maintained in the employees' official personnel file in the Human Resources Department and saved to the Human Resources Information System (HRIS).

Merit salary adjustments will not be approved unless a current performance appraisal has been conducted and is on file and required annual UH System and campus mandatory training has been completed by the published deadline.

Confidentiality of the performance appraisals shall be maintained to the greatest extent possible. If copies of the performance appraisals are maintained within the employing department, they will be secured in a confidential location for the duration of the employee’s assignment in that department. Completed performance appraisals will not be made available to someone other than the employee, the employee’s immediate supervisor and/or cabinet-level supervisor, or with the written consent of the employee, or in compliance with state or federal law.

No policy or procedure shall be used to discriminate against any individual or group because of race, color, religion, national origin, sex (including pregnancy), age, disability, veteran status, genetic information, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or any other legally protected status. 


Regular Staff Employee --A university employee who is appointed for at least twenty (20) hours per week on a regular basis for a period of at least four and one-half months., excluding students employed in positions for which student status is required as a condition of employment and those employees holding teaching positions classified as faculty.

Performance Appraisal --A formal appraisal by the immediate supervisor of the employee's performance during a specific period of time using the university’s official Annual Staff Performance Evaluation form.

Probationary Employee --The initial six (6) months of employment at UHV for each regular non-exempt staff employee is probationary and the initial twelve (12) months of employment for each regular exempt employee is probationary. Other provisions applying to probationary employment may be found in the university policy, C-23, Probationary Period for Regular Staff Employees.

Exempt Employee --An exempt employee is paid on a monthly salaried basis and is employed to work in a position classified as exempt from overtime pay regulations in accordance with the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).

Non-Exempt Employee --A non-exempt employee is paid on a bi-weekly basis and is employed to work in a position classified as subject to the overtime pay regulations of the FLSA (Fair Labor Standards Act).  


Responsibility and Monitoring

Human Resources Responsibilities

  1. Administration of the Appraisal System
  1. Monitoring and Compliance
  1. Support and Training

Supervisor Responsibilities

  1. Conducting Performance Appraisals
  1. Setting and Reviewing Goals
  1. Preparing for and Conducting Appraisal Interviews
  1. Documenting and Submitting the Appraisal

Employee Responsibilities

  1. Self-Appraisal and Goal Setting
  1. Participation in the Appraisal Process
  1. Acknowledgment and Comments

Cabinet-Level Supervisor Responsibilities

  1. Oversight of Performance Appraisal Process

Performance Appraisal Process

  1. Annual Appraisals
  1. Transfers and Promotions
  1. Part-Time and Temporary Employees

Grievance Process

Employees who disagree with their performance appraisal may file a grievance in accordance with UHV Policy C-21, Grievance Procedures. The grievance must be filed within the timeline specified by the policy, and HR will assist in facilitating the grievance process.


Supporting Documents

C-21, Grievance Procedures

C-23, Probationary Period for Regular Staff Employees

Staff Performance Appraisal Form

Supervisor’s Guide to Performance Appraisals

UHS Administrative Memorandum (SAM) 02.A.11

UHS Administrative Memorandum (SAM) 01.D.07


Approved by:

[signature obtained]
Robert K. Glenn, Ph.D. 



Next review date: October 2029 (5 years)
Origination: Human Resources