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Out-of-Cycle Budget Requests

SECTION: Index B - Fiscal


The Executive Committee will consider requests for funding of emerging needs and opportunities that cannot be covered in a given academic or administrative division’s budget allocation.  Departments should carefully consider the necessity to request out-of-cycle budget increases.  Those requests must be approved by the appropriate Vice President or President prior to consideration by the Executive Committee.


Executive Committee

The Executive Committee, which consists of the President, Provost, Vice President for Administration and Finance, Vice President for Advancement, Vice President for Enrollment Management and Vice President of Student Affairs, makes all determinations of budgetary changes during the fiscal year that are not part of the normal budget process.

Budget Request Process

The cabinet-level supervisor initiates the request and forwards the request by email to their respective Executive Committee member explaining in detail the need for the out-of-cycle budget request.  Necessary budget details for processing the request should be included in the body of the email. For example, position requests must include the proposed position title/number (if existing), current/proposed salary, Full Time Equivalent (FTE) measure, and pertinent cost center information. The request should indicate if funding is one-time or added to base. 

Requests that include employee actions such as reclassifications, equity raises, etc. will be submitted to the Executive Committee by the Cabinet-level supervisor. The Executive Committee will review the request, and if warranted, will forward the request to Human Resources for comment, classification, or job grading as required. When the review is completed, Human Resources will then forward the information to the Executive Committee for decision.  Request to refill an existing position does not require Executive Committee approval.  Rather, the appropriate Executive Committee member may give approval to refill a position.

In the case of multi-departmental requests, the initiating department must coordinate and obtain approval from the coordinating department supervisor prior to submitting the request. The email request should indicate all parties involved with necessary courtesy copies.


The Executive Committee will review all requests, and if approved, the Office of the President, will send notification by email to the budget approval distribution list and requesting cabinet-level supervisor. The budget approval distribution list will consist of the Budget Director, and/or Human Resources Director (when affecting personnel). If a budget request is not approved, the Executive Committee will return the request to the cabinet-level supervisor.

The Office of the President will ensure that approved budget requests are forwarded to the appropriate areas.  The e-mail will include the Budget Office, and Human Resources (in matters regarding personnel requests).

In the case of approved requests, the Budget Office will process the funding journal and attach a copy of the approved email from the Executive Committee for retention.  Approved position changes will also require Position Requests and Personnel Action Requests to be generated by the department in order to complete the personnel and budgeting processes.

Approved by:

Signature Obtained on 10/31/22                 
Robert K. Glenn, Ph.D. 

Next Review Date: October 2027 (5 years)
Origination: Budget Office



If there are any comments and/or questions regarding this policy, please contact the Budget Office.