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Judicial Affairs

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Managing Disruptive Student Behavior

The University of Houston-Victoria is committed to establishing and maintaining a safe and civil environment for the teaching, learning, and administrative process. The UHV Student Handbook defines disruption as “obstructing or interfering with university functions or any university activity.” Moreover, disruption includes any behavior that interferes with students, faculty, or staff and their access to an appropriate educational or work environment. The following are examples of disruptive behavior:

Below are examples of a moderate level of disruption:

When a student exhibits behavior that warrants a greater degree of intervention, immediately address the student’s behavior. If this occurs, you should call UHPD at 361-570-HELP (4357). The following are examples of a high level of disruption:

FERPA Student Confidentiality

The privacy of a student’s educational record is protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA). The disciplinary record is considered part of the student’s educational record. Any information gathered while speaking with the disruptive student should be handled in a confidential manner.