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Operating Budgets by School and Academic Year

School of Arts and Sciences

2021-2022 Revenue
School Generated $3,427
University Allocation $6,523,259
Total $6,526,686
2021-2022 expense
Salary & Wage - Faculty $5,451,340
Salary & Wage - Non-Faculty $718,093
Fringe Benefits $110,100
Maintenance & Operations $247,153
Total $6,526,686
2020-2021 Revenue
School Generated $5,013
University Allocation $5,708,635
Total $5,713,648
2020-2021 Expense
Salary & Wage - Faculty $4,754,729
Salary & Wage - Non-Faculty $558,800
Fringe Benefits $135,700
Maintenance & Operations $264,419
Total $5,713,648
2019-2020 Revenue
School Generated $21,276
University Allocation $6,104,974
Total $6,126,250
2019-2020 Expense
Salary & Wage - Faculty $4,831,702
Salary & Wage - Non-Faculty $832,360
Fringe Benefits $124,245
Maintenance & Operations $337,943
Total $6,126,250

College of Business

2021-2022 Revenue
School Generated  $771,497
University Allocation $6,288,537
Total $7,060,034
2021-2022 Expense
Salary & Wage - Faculty $5,653,296
Salary & Wage - Non-Faculty $952,348
Fringe Benefits $221,369
Maintenance & Operations $233,021
Total $7,060,034
2020-2021 Revenue
School Generated $707,971
University Allocation $5,905,617
Total $6,613,588
2020-2021 Expense
Salary & Wage - Faculty $5,336,478
Salary & Wage - Non-Faculty $871,800
Fringe Benefits $166,139
Maintenance & Operations $239,171
Total $6,613,588
2019-2020 Revenue
School Generated $698,548
University Allocation $6,085,404
Total $6,783,952
2019-2020 Expense
Salary & Wage - Faculty $5,474,343
Salary & Wage - Non-Faculty $850,082
Fringe Benefits $133,759
Maintenance & Operations $325,768
Total $6,783,952

College of Education and Health Professions

2021-2022 Revenue
School Generated $18,975
University Allocation $4,486,958
Total $4,505,933
2021-2022 Expense
Salary & Wage - Faculty $3,278,787
Salary & Wage - Non-Faculty $774,179
Fringe Benefits $234,783
Maintenance & Operations $218,184
Total $4,505,933
2020-2021 Revenue
School Generated $11,337
University Allocation $4,054,281
Total $4,065,618
2020-2021 Expense
Salary & Wage - Faculty $2,678,717
Salary & Wage - Non-Faculty $1,063,761
Fringe Benefits $93,579
Maintenance & Operations $229,561
Total $4,065,618
2019-2020 Revenue
School Generated $14,652
University Allocation $4,330,344
Total $4,344,996
2019-2020 Expense
Salary & Wage - Faculty $2,967,653
Salary & Wage - Non-Faculty $1,022,760
Fringe Benefits $91,039
Maintenance & Operations $263,544
Total $4,344,996