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Campus Life

Student Government Association

Student government at UHV exists in the form of the Student Government Association (SGA). This governing body's purpose is to promote communications among constituents of UHVm enhance the educational environment of UHV, and address specific needs of students in order to provide a voice to and for the student body with respect to academic, social, and cultural matters. The membership is composed of th eExecutive, Legislative and Judicial branches.

The Executive Branch consists of a President, Vice-President, Speaker of the Senate, Chief Justice, Chief Financial Officer, Director of Public Relations, and Director of Student Organizations. The Legislative Branch, or Student Senate, consists of twenty-five (25) student senators. They include four Academic Senators to represent the interests of students in their academic colleges, fifteen (15) Senators to represent the interests of their specific class, three (3) Katy senators, two (2) international senators, and one Speaker of the Senate. The SGA office is located in University Commons, Center for Student Involvement, Suite 2203. More information about the Student Government Association can be found on the SGA website.