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News Media Policy

Section: General Index: A-4

To provide clear, concise communications, all media inquiries should be channeled through UHV Marketing & Communications. This policy was established to describe the University’s position with respect to interacting with news media representatives. For the purpose of this policy, news media shall refer to representatives of newspapers, magazines, newsletters, online publications, blogs, television and radio.


An employee or department that seeks to publicize a program, event or achievement should contact Marketing & Communications. This office has access to numerous news media contacts and will work with employees to coordinate publicity or visibility for programs, events or newsworthy issues.

It is the responsibility of Marketing & Communications to initiate and/or respond to news media requests and to manage those interactions. When an employee or department is contacted by the news media, he/she is strongly encouraged to notify Marketing & Communications immediately, before providing any information or responding to questions.

While on university property, news media representatives should, if necessary and appropriate be accompanied by Marketing & Communications staff member or a University employee designated by Marketing & Communications.

To gain access to the residence halls, news media representatives must be accompanied by a Marketing & Communications staff member or a University employee designated by Marketing & Communications.

UHV complies with all applicable federal and state laws regarding the retention and release of personal and/or educational records of all current employees and students, and complies with all privacy and security laws including FERPA.

If an event attracts news media interest, all press releases and statements to the news media will be routed through and disseminated by Marketing & Communications. It is the responsibility of each department head to implement procedures to comply with this policy, while also ensuring that academic freedom, free inquiry and freedom of expression within the academic community are respected and observed.

The University obtains authorization from those whose photographs are taken with the intent to publicize the University. Their consent allows the University to incorporate these photographs in situations appropriate to the image of an academic institution, including release to the news media – and to publish likenesses in UHV’s publications, on its website, in videos, on CDs, or in other recruitment or promotional materials, including paid advertising.

Approved by:

Signature Obtained                   01/15/2015
Raymond V. Morgan, Ph. D.       Date
Interim President

Next review date: November 2020
Origination: Marketing & Communications Department