Teaching Labs
Lab UC201 - Teaching Lab
33 work stations plus a teaching station
Windows OS
Panopto capable
Lab UC205 - Teaching Lab
52 work stations plus a teaching station
Windows OS
Panopto capable
Lab UC215- Teaching Lab and ITV Room
24 work stations plus teacher station
Windows OS
3 80” display monitors
Panopto capable
ITV compatible
Lab UC216- Teaching Lab
52 workstations plus teacher station
Windows OS
Panopto capable
Lab UC303- Teaching Lab and ITV Room
52 workstations plus teacher station
Windows OS
3 projectors
Panopto capable
ITV compatible
Lab US217- Teaching Lab
56 workstations plus teacher station
Windows OS
Panopto capable
For Reservations
To reserve a computer lab, please submit an event form to the UHV Calendar