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Disability Services

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Faculty responsibilities relating to students with disabilities:

Services for Students with Disabilities

The University of Houston System complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, pertaining to the provision of reasonable academic adjustments/ auxiliary aids for students with a disability.  In accordance with Section 504 and ADA guidelines, the University of Houston-Victoria strives to provide reasonable academic adjustments / auxiliary aids to students who request and require them.  If you believe that you have a disability requiring academic adjustments/auxiliary aids, please contact the:

UHV Office of Disability Services
University Commons 2108A
3006 N. Ben Wilson St.
Victoria, Texas 77901
Office – (361) 570-4287
Fax – (361) 580-5504

  • On the first day of class each semester, make a general announcement about the availability of services for students with disabilities at UHV, and give them contact information for the Office of Disability Services. Also, announce your willingness to reasonably assist students who have registered with the UHV Office of Disability Services.

  • If a student approaches you and states that they have a disability and need accommodations, or offers to give you any type of documentation, please refer them to:

    Office of Disability Services
    University Commons, 2108A
    (361) 570-4287

  • Please do not provide academic accommodations unless you have received an Accommodation Notification Letter from the Office of Disability Services. Please contact the Disability Services Manager to inquire about the student's status.
human resources
  • Students may register with Disability Services at any time during a semester – there is no ‘deadline’. Likewise, faculty cannot set a ‘deadline’ for accepting accommodation letters for students.
  • Ensure that all classroom materials, videos, etc., are in accessible format. This applies to all modes of course instruction. Visit our Title IX website to learn More about Technology Accessibility or contact Disability Services.

  • Hold all students to the same academic standards set by the university department or program.

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Extended time accommodation applies only to timed quizzes and exams.  It does not apply to assignments.  Double time means double.  If regular time allowed for the exam is 30 minutes, the student with double time will have 60 minutes for the exam.  The extended time can be set for individual students in Canvas. Once I publish a timed quiz, how can I give my students extra time? - Instructure Community ( If you need assistance with setting online course exam/quiz time extensions, please contact the instructional support staff in your college. 

For face-to-face instructional settings, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the UHV Testing Center to schedule all quizzes/exams for the semester.  To schedule all timed quizzes/exams the student should contact:

Julie Buchhorn Wardi, Manager
Testing Services
Jaguar Hall, 1129
2705 Houston Hwy
Victoria, TX 77901
(361) 485-4500

  • If you have any questions or concerns, need clarification about the implementation of an accommodation, or if you disagree with an accommodation, please contact the Disability Services Manager right away.

    UHV Office of Disability Services
    University Commons, 2108A
    3006 N. Ben Wilson St.
    Victoria, TX 77901
    Office – (361) 570-4287
    Fax – (361) 580-5504

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UHV Commons building

Syllabus Statement – SAM 01.D.09


The University of Houston System complies with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, pertaining to the provision of reasonable academic accommodations for students who have a disability. In accordance with Section 504 and ADA guidelines, the University of Houston-Victoria strives to provide reasonable academic accommodations to eligible students who request them. If you believe that you have a disability requiring an academic accommodation, please contact:

UHV Office of Disability Services
University Commons, 2108A
3006 N. Ben Wilson St.
Victoria, TX 77901
Office – (361) 570-4287
Fax – (361) 580-5504