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Pathway to Bachelor of Science in Math

An Associates to a Bachelors degree

Blinn College and UHV have partnered to create a seamless transition to help you complete a bachelor’s degree while saving time and money. The Bachelor of Science in Math degree is designed to provide you with a strong foundation in mathematics, as well as develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills.

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First Year - Freshman

First Semester at Blinn 

  • MATH 2413 Calculus I
  • COSC 1436 Programming Fundamentals I
  • ENGL 1301 English Composition I
  • SPCH 1311 Introduction to Speech Communication

Second Semester at Blinn 

  • MATH 2414 Calculus II
  • ENGL 1302 English Composition II
  • GOVT 2305 American Government
  • HIST 1301 United States History I
  • Creative Arts Core Creative Arts Core Curriculum Elective

Second Year - Sophomore

First Semester at Blinn 

  • MATH 2415 Calculus III
  • PHYS 2325 University Physics I
  • PHYS 2125 University Physics I Lab
  • GOVT 2306 Texas Government
  • HIST 1302 United States History II
  • PHED 1164 Introduction to Physical Fitness & Wellness

Second Semester at Blinn 

  • MATH 2318 Linear Algebra
  • MATH 2320 Differential Equations
  • ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics
  • PHIL 1301 Introduction to Philosophy
  • LPS Core Life & Physical Science Core Curriculum Elective

Third Year - Junior

First Semester at UHV 

  • LPS with Lab Life and Physical Science with Lab
  • COSC 1337/1137 Programming Fundamentals II
  • MATH 3347 or MATH 4310 Operations Research (even year) or Fundamental Concepts of Analysis (odd year)
  • UD COSC or MATH (1) or MATH 4378 Upper-Division Math or Computer Science Courses by Advisement or Numerical Analysis (odd year)

Second Semester at UHV 

  • ENGL 3430 Professional Writing
  • MATH 3365 Introduction to Mathematical Proofs
  • MATH 4311 or MATH 3357 Modern Algebra (even year) or Introduction to Higher Geometry (odd years)
  • MATH 3361 Linear Algebra

Fourth Year - Senior

First Semester at UHV 

  • LD/UD Elective (2) Lower-Division or Upper-Division Elective
  • UD COSC or MATH (1) or MATH 4378 Upper-Division Math or Computer Science Courses by Advisement or Numerical Analysis (odd year)
  • MATH 3347 or MATH 4310 Operations Research (even year) or Fundamental Concepts of Analysis (odd year)
  • MATH 3391 Probability Statistics I
  • UD COSC or MATH (2) Upper-Division Math or Computer Science Courses by Advisement

Second Semester at UHV 

  • MATH 4311 or MATH 3357 Modern Algebra (even year) or Introduction to Higher Geometry (odd years)
  • MATH 4391 Probability Statistics II
  • LD/UD Elective (3) Lower-Division or Upper-Division Elective
  • LD/UD Elective (4) Lower-Division or Upper-Division Elective
  • UD COSC or MATH (3) Upper-Division Math or Computer Science Courses by Advisement