Pathway to Bachelor of Arts degree in History
An Associates to a Bachelors degree
Blinn College and UHV have partnered to create a seamless transition to help you complete a bachelor’s degree while saving time and money. Blinn College and UHV have partnered to create a seamless transition to help you complete a bachelor’s degree while saving time and money. The History pathway will prepare you to become a professional reporter, journalist, professor researcher, and much more.
First Year - Freshman
First Semester at Blinn
- ENGL 1301 English Composition I
- SBS Core Social and Behavioral Science Core
- HIST 1301 United States History I
- Creative Arts Creative Arts Course
- LPS Core Life and Physical Science Core Course
Second Semester at Blinn
- MATH 1324 Business Mathematics I
- ENGL 1302 English Composition II
- LPS Core Life and Physical Science Core Course
- HIST 1302 United States History II
- LPC Core Language, Philosophy and Culture Course
Second Year - Sophomore
First Semester at Blinn
- SPCH 1315 - Public Speaking
- HIST 2321 - World Civilization I
- GOVT 2305 - Federal Government
- HIST 2301 - Texas History
- HIST 2311 - Western Civilization I
Second Semester at Blinn
- HIST 2312 - Western Civilization II
- HIST 2322 - World Civilization II
- GOVT 2306 - Texas Government
- Restrictive Elective – GEOG 1302 - Choose from: ANTH 2351, GEOG 1302, GEOG 1303, ECON 2301, ECON 2302; EDUC 1301; EDUC 2301
- Restrictive Elective – GEOG 1303 - Choose from: ANTH 2351, GEOG 1302, GEOG 1303, ECON 2301, ECON 2302; EDUC 1301; EDUC 2301
Third Year - Junior
First Semester at UHV
- Foreign Language BA Req. - 6 s.h. intermediate (sophomore) level in the same foreign language. Prerequisite: freshman level foreign language I II (may test out)
- LD/UD Elective (COSC 1301) - Lower-Division/Upper-Division elective
- HIST UD – US History (1) - 6 s.h. upper-division United States history coursework
- HIST 3301 - Thinking Like a Historian (Fall only)
Second Semester at UHV
- Foreign Language BA Req. - 6 s.h. intermediate (sophomore) level in the same foreign language. Prerequisite: freshman level foreign language I II (may test out)
- UD Elective - Upper-Division Elective
- HIST UD – US History (2) - 6 s.h. upper-division United States history coursework
- HIST UD – Non- US History (2) - 6 s.h. upper-division non- United States history
- UD Elective - Upper-Division Elective
Fourth Year - Senior
First Semester at UHV
- UD Elective - Upper-Division Elective
- UD Elective - Upper-Division Elective
- UD/LD Elective - Lower-Division or Upper-Division Elective
- UD/LD Elective - Lower-Division or Upper-Division Elective
- UD Elective - Upper-Division Elective
Second Semester at UHV
- UD/LD Elective - CLower-Division or Upper-Division Elective
- HIST 4350 - Historical Research (Spring only)
- UD Elective - Upper-Division Elective
- UD/LD Elective - Lower-Division or Upper-Division Elective
- UD/LD Elective - Lower-Division or Upper-Division Elective