Pathway to Bachelor of AAS in Computer Information Systems
An Associates to a Bachelors degree
Blinn College and UHV have partnered to create a seamless transition to help you complete a bachelor’s degree while saving time and money. A Computer Science pathway is a popular field to study and can lead to a variety of career paths. The Associate of Science core curriculum combined with the courses taught at UHV helps students with the fundamentals of computer programming and technology.
First Year - Freshman
First Semester at Blinn
- COSC 1436 Programming Fundamentals I
- MATH 2413 Calculus I
- ENGL 1301 English Composition I
- SPCH 1315 Public Speaking
- PHED 1164 Introduction to Physical Fitness and Wellness
Second Semester at Blinn
- COSC 1437 Programming Fundamentals II
- MATH 2414 Calculus II
- ENGL 1302 English Composition II
- HIST 1301 United States History I
Optional Summer Session
- HIST 1302* United States History II Optional Summer Session
- GOVT 2305* American Government (Federal)
Second Year - Sophomore
First Semester at Blinn
- COSC 2436 Programming Fundamentals III
- MATH 2305 Discrete Mathematics
- PHYS 2325 University Physics I (Lecture)
- PHYS 2125 University Physics I (Lab)
- GOVT 2306 American Government (State)
Second Semester at Blinn
- COSC 2425 Computer Organization
- PHYS 2326 University Physics II (Lecture)
- PHYS 2126 University Physics II (Lab)
- PHIL 2306 Introduction to Ethics
- Creative Arts Art, Drama, Music, Dance, Photography, or any other course in the Visual or Performing Arts
- Social and Behavioral Sciences ANTH, ECON, GEOG, PSYC, CRIJ or SOCI
Optional Summer Session
- Natural Science* Biology or any other science major course
- COSC 1301* Course may no longer be a BS program requirement at UHV. Please check with your advisor prior to transferring.
- ENGL 3430** Professional Writing
Third Year - Junior
First Semester at UHV
- COSC 3331*** Data Structures and Algorithms I
- COSC 3332*** Computer Organization and Architecture
- COSC 3317 Object Oriented Programming and Design
- MATH 3361 Linear Algebra
Second Semester at UHV
- COSC 3333 Data Structures and Algorithms II
- COSC 3335 Introduction to Theory of Computation
- MATH 3362*** Elective (1) Discrete Structures
- UD COSC or UD MATH elective (1 of 3) Excluding COSC 3325 & 4305
Fourth Year - Senior
First Semester at UHV
- COSC 4320 Software Engineering
- COSC 4331 Structure and Programming Languages
- COSC 4336 Database Systems
- UD COSC or UD MATH elective (3 of 3) (Excluding COSC 3325 & 4305)
Second Semester at UHV
- COSC 4360 Senior Project
- COSC 4350 Information Security, Privacy, and Ethics
- COSC 4337 Operating Systems
- COSC 4339 Telecommunications and Networks