UHV News

UHV News

New mural adorns UHV

Large Jaguars mural adorns the side of UHV's University South building.
The finished mural by Victoria artist Josh Vega decorates the wall of University South on Oct. 16. Josh Vega, the artist behind the mural, finished the artwork last Wednesday after working on it for three days. This was one out of the five designs submitted to the university. The design and colors of the mural incorporate the original gray of the wall. A lighter gray is applied with paint that goes on flatter, so the sun won’t reflect too much, and the red is brushed on, Vega said. The mural is one of two that will be displayed on campus as part of the university’s 50th anniversary celebration.

The University of Houston-Victoria, located in the heart of the Coastal Bend region since 1973 in Victoria, Texas, offers courses leading to more than 50 academic programs in the schools of Arts & Sciences; Business Administration; and Education, Health Professions & Human Development. UHV provides face-to-face classes at its Victoria campus, as well as an instructional site in Katy, Texas, and online classes that students can take from anywhere. UHV supports the American Association of State Colleges and Universities Opportunities for All initiative to increase awareness about state colleges and universities and the important role they have in providing a high-quality and accessible education to an increasingly diverse student population, as well as contributing to regional and state economic development.