Early Childhood through Sixth Grade Degree Plan
Core Curriculum
10 - English 1301 & 1302 Composition – 6 semester hours
20 - Mathematics – 3 semester hours
MATH 1332, 1314, 1324, 1325 or STAT 1342
30 - Natural Sciences – 8 semester hours
Biology, Chemistry, Geology, Physics, or Bio/Physical Science
40 - Humanities – 3 semester hours
Literature, Philosophy, Modern or Classical Language/Literature or Cultural Studies
50 - Visual/Performing Arts – 3 semester hours
60 - American History 1301 & 1302 – 6 semester hours
70 - Political Science 2305 & 2306 – 6 semester hours
80 - Social/Behavioral Sciences – 3 semester hours
Anthropology, Criminal Justice, Economics, Geography, Political Science, Psychology or Sociology
90 - Institutionally Designated Option – 6 semester hours
SPCH 1311, 1315, 1318, or 1321
COSC 1301 or 1401, or BCIS 1305

EC through 6th grade
Major Requirements
Introduction to Teaching – 15 semester hours, Must be taken before eligible to be admitted into the Teacher Education Program
- INDS 2310 Structure of the Social Sciences
- GEOL 2310 – Earth/Space Science
- CUIN 1310 or TECA 1311 – Educating Young Children/Intro to Teaching Prof/The Art of Teaching
- CUIN 1318 or TECA 1318– Wellness of the Young Child/The Well Child PSYC 2314 – Child Growth and Development
Upper Level Requirements – 12 semester hours, May be taken at any time in program
- ANTH 3311 - Anthropology of Diverse Populations
- CUIN 4320 or ENGL 3430 - Teaching ESL or Professional Writing
- SCIE 3320 - Physical Science
- SPED 3321 - Exceptional Children: An Introduction

Block One
12 semester hours
- CUIN 3323 - Instructional Design
- CUIN 3327 – Educational Technology
- INDS 3323 - Child Development and its Application to Learning
- LITY 3352 - Science of Teaching Reading
Block Two
Taken after Block One
42 semester hours
- CUIN 3324 - Effective Classroom Mgmt and Student Assessment for Learning
- CUIN 4317 - Science Instruction Methods
- CUIN 4324 - Teaching Mathematics Methods
- CUIN 4316 - Effective Social Studies Instruction
- FEDU 4310 - Human Learning and its Application to Education
- MATH 3318 or 3320 - Concepts in Math I and Math II
- LITY 3320 - Foundation of Literacy: Theories and Assessment
- LITY 4362 - Components of Effective Writing Instruction
- LITY 4365 - Components of Effective Literacy Instruction
- ESED 4312 - Social / Emotional Development and the Fine Arts
- ESED 4303 or 4304 - Early School Education Student Teaching
- ESED 4307 – Early School Education Professional Seminar
- s.h. = semester hours
- LD = Lower Division (Community College-Level: Freshman, 1000-level /Sophomore, 2000-level)
- UD = Upper Division (University-Level: Junior, 3000-level /Senior, 4000-level)
- The student is responsible for fulfilling all requirements on this degree plan and is encouraged to review the catalog that governs this degree plan.
- State & UHV programmatic regulations may supersede this document.
- Substitutions in this degree plan must be approved by following the same procedures as for the degree.
- Must meet minimum requirements: 120 s.h. overall, 54 s.h. UD, of which 30 s.h. must be completed at UHV.
- State TExES exams required for certification:
EdTPA performance assessment completed during student teaching
Core Subject EC-6 #291
Texas Educator Certification Examination