- Health Education Ph.D., University of Toledo, 2011
- Health Education M.S., University of West Florida, 2002
- Psychology B.A., University of West Florida, 1999
Certified Health Education Specialist
Wiblishauser, M., & Khubchandani, J. (in press). Skin Problems and Indoor Air Quality: A Scoping Review. Journal of Dermatology and Venerology.
Jordan, T.R., Khubchandani, J., Wiblishauser, M.J.(2016). A preliminary study of nurses’ stress and coping: Association with health risk behaviors and health outcomes. Nursing Research and Practice, 20, 195-203.
Cayhanto, I., Wiblishauser, M., Gray, L.P., & Schroeder, A. (2016). The dynamics of travel and avoidance. The case of Ebola in the U.S. Tourism Management Perspectives.
Wiblishauser, M., Khubchandani, J., Rijhwani, L., & Balls, J.B. (2015). Skin cancer prevention guidelines for school aged children. The Gulf Journal of Dermatology and Venereology. 22(2), 8-12.
Wiblishauser, M., Jordan, T.J., Price, J.H., Dake, J.A., & Jenkins, M. (2015). Substance services provided to juvenile offenders in the United States. A national review on substances use services in juvenile justice affiliated facilities. Journal of Juvenile Justice. 4(2), 13-26.
Price, J.H., Thompson, A.J., Khubchandani, J., & Wiblishauser, M. (2014). Psychiatric residency directors' perceptions of firearm access by the mentally ill in the United States. Journal of Community Health, 39(2):322-326.
Price, J.H., Thompson, A., Khubchandani, J., Wiblishauser, M., Dowling, J., & Teeple, K. (2013). Perceived roles of Emergency Department physicians regarding anticipatory guidance on firearm safety. Journal of Emergency Medicine, 27(1), 1-10.
Khubchandani, J., Price, J.H., Thompson, A., Dake, J.A., Wiblishauser, M., & Telljohann, S.K (2012). Adolescent dating violence: a national assessment of school counselors' perceptions and practices. Pediatrics, 130(2), 202-210.
Jordan, T.R., Khubchandani, J., Wiblishauser, M.J., Glassman, T.R., & Thompson, A. (2011). Do respiratory therapists receive training & education in smoking cessation? A national study of post-secondary training programs. Patient Education and Counseling, 85(1), 95-105.
Khubchandani, J., Wiblishauser, M.J., Price, J.H., & Thompson, (2011). Graduate Psychiatric Nurses’ Training on Firearm Injury Prevention. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 25(4), 245-252.
Lalani, N.E, Mehta, S., Rijhwani, P., Meholi, M., Wiblishauser, M.J., & Khubchandani, J (2010). Disseminated gonococcal infection: A case report. Gulf Journal of Dermatology and Venereology, 17(2), 50-53.
Lokhande, A., Wiblishauser, M., & Khubchandani, J. (2010). Keloid and hypertrophic scar formation after male circumcision. Gulf Journal of Dermatology and Venereology, 17(1), 50-51
Jordan, T., Khubchandani, J., & Wiblishauser, M. (2017-accepted). The Impact of Perceived Stress and Coping Adequacy on the Health of Nurses: A Pilot Investigation. Society for Public Health Education's 68th Annual Conference. Denver, CO.
Cayhanto, I., Wiblishauser, M., Schroeder, A., & Pennington-Gray, L. (2015). The dynamic of travel avoidance due to Ebola cases in the U.S. 3rd World Research Summit for Tourism and Hospitality and 1st USA-China Tourism Research Summit. Transforming Partnerships 2015. UCF Rosen College of Hospitality Management, Orlando, FL.
Wiblishauser, M.J., Khubchandani, J., & Fernandes N.V. (2014). African American males’ practices and perceptions on prostate cancer prevention: An exploratory review. 65th Society for Public Health Education Annual Conference, Baltimore, MD.
Khubchandani, J., Clark, J.K., Wiblishauser, M., Price, J.H., Telljohann, S., & Sullivan, E. (2013). Adolescent dating violence prevention: Comparative analysis of school nurses’, school counselors’, and school principals’ perceptions. 64th Society for Public Health Education Annual Conference, Orlando, FL.
Thompson, A., Price, J.H., Khubchandani, J., & Wiblishauser, M. (2011). How did they get the gun: Firearm policy failure based on NICS screening? 32nd Annual Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.
Thompson, A., Price, J., Khubchandani, J., Wiblishauser, M., Dowling, J., & Teeple, K. (2011). Perceived roles of emergency department physicians regarding firearm violence. 32nd Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine, Washington, DC.
Wiblishauser, M., Khubchandani, J, Thompson, A., & Price, J.H. (2010). Graduate psychiatric nurses training on firearm injury prevention. 31st Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions, Seattle, WA.
Wiblishauser, M., Jordan, T.R., Khubchandani, J., Glassman, T., & Thompson, A. (2010). Do respiratory therapists receive training & education in smoking cessation? A National Study of Post-Secondary Training Programs. 138th American Public Health Association Annual Convention, Denver, CO.
Khubchandani, J., Telljohann, S., Price, J.H., Dake, J.A., Thompson, A., & Wiblishauser, M.J. (2010). Adolescent dating violence: School counselors’ practices. 61st Society for Public Health.
Jordan, T.R., Khubchandani, J., Wiblishauser, M.J., Miller, C. (2010). The Health and Wellness of Nurses at Bay park Hospital. Findings presented to the Bay Park Hospital Group, Toledo, OH.