College of Business - Marketing
Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Want to learn how to promote products and services? Our BBA in Marketing can help you succeed in business.
Are you creative and love to think outside the box? This program is perfect for you. You'll learn how to create campaigns to attract and retain customers. Our program prepares you for a marketing career in many industries.
Learn What It’s Like to be a Jaguar!

BBA Core Curriculum
University Core
- 010 – Communication, 6 SCH
- 020 – Mathematics, 3 SCH
- 030 – Life and Physical Sciences, 6 SCH
- 040 – Language, Philosophy and Culture, 3 SCH
- 050 – Creative Arts, 3 SCH
- 060 – American History, 6 SCH
- 070 – Government/Political Sciences, 6 SCH
- 080 – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 3 SCH
- 090 – Speech and Computer Literacy, 6 SCH
Lower Division Business Core
- COSC 1301 Technology and Problem Solving OR BCIS 1305 Business Computer Applications
- MATH 1324 Finite Math
- SPCH 1315 Fundamentals of Public Speaking OR SPCH 1321 Business and Professional Communication
- ACCT 2301 Principles of Financial Accounting
- ACCT 2302 Principles of Managerial Accounting
- BUSI 2305 Business Statistics
- ECON 2301 Principles of Macroeconomics
- ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics
Upper Division Business Core
- COMM 3327 Managerial Communication OR ENGL 3430 Professional Writing OR COMM 3326 Business Communication
- MGMT 3303 Principles of Management
- MKTG 3303 Principles of Marketing
- COSC 3325 Information Systems in Organizations OR ACCT 4320 Accounting Information Systems
- BUSI 3304 Data Analytics and Decision Making
- MGMT 3304 Legal Environment of Business
- FINC 3304 Business Finance
- MGMT 3306 Operations & Supply Chain Management
- MGMT 4309 Strategic Management

Concentration Requirements
Complete the following:
- MKTG 4313 Marketing Research
- MKTG 4340 Marketing Management
Choose 4 of the following:
- MKTG 3321 Selling and Sales Management
- MKTG 4300 Selected Topics in Marketing
- MKTG 4311 Buyer Behavior
- MKTG 4312 Promotion Management
- MKTG 4315 Business-to-Business Marketing
- MKTG 4316 Electronic Marketing
- MKTG 4317 Services Marketing
- MKTG 4325 International Marketing
Interested in a minor in Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Finance, Healthcare Administration, Human Resources Management, International Business, Management, Supply Chain Management, or others from different academic colleges? Satisfy at least 15 hours of required electives by adding one on!
Required electives (as needed to fulfill 120 semester credit hours). Must be academic credit. Typically up to 21 credit hours needed.
The College of Business encourages students to consider completion of BUSI 4390 Field Studies/Internship as one of their electives.
Note: Students who are admitted to UHV as Freshmen (30 or fewer college hours completed) must complete UNIV 1300. This course is counted as an elective on the degree plan.

Jun Yang
Professor of Marketing
Effective marketing is a cornerstone of business success. In my course, you will delve into the intricacies of market research and consumer behavior. By cultivating a deep understanding of your target audience and harnessing the power of data analysis, you will be well-equipped to develop strategic marketing campaigns that drive growth and profitability.