College of Business - Degree Requirements

Required Prerequisite / Foundation Courses
- ACCT 2301 Principles of Financial Accounting
- ACCT 2302 Principles of Managerial Accounting
- ACCT 3303 Financial Statement Analysis
- ACCT 3312 Intermediate Accounting I
- ACCT 3313 Intermediate Accounting II
- ACCT 4311 Principles of Federal Income Taxation
- ACCT 4321 Auditing
Master of Accountancy Degree Requirements
Core Courses (Complete all 6)
- ACCT 6352 Strategic Cost Management
- ACCT 6353 Accounting Theory
- ACCT 6354 Corporate Taxation
- ACCT 6371 Advanced Auditing
- ACCT 6373 Contemporary Issues in Accounting
- ACCT 6374 Accounting Ethics
Required Accounting Electives (Choose at least 2)
- ACCT 6331 Advanced Accounting
- ACCT 6375 Oil & Gas Accounting
- ACCT 6376 Tax Research
- ACCT 6378 Governmental and Not-for-Profit Accounting
- ACCT 6380 Forensic Accounting
Required Electives (Choose at least 2)
- Any ACCT course not previously selected from required ACCT electives
- FINC 6352 Financial Management
- MGMT 6352 Contemporary MIS Issues
- MGMT 6353 Managing People in Organizations
- MGMT 6354 Management and Leadership
- MGMT 6356 Human Resources Management
- MGMT 6375 Employment Law Issues
Select your electives with the help of your advisor.
Required Prerequisite Courses {Varies by individual}
Required Core+Required Electives 30 hours