High School Robotics Summer Camp
Thanks to a generous grant provided by Alcoa Foundation, UHV will hold a Digital Simulation and Robotics Summer Camp for high school students. The goals of this summer camp are to increase the number of youth interested in computing and robotics, and to introduce the basic concepts of robotics, simulation and engineering. The camp two main goals are:
- Gain knowledge and experience with programming languages.
- Drastically increase high-school students confidence in Computer Science.
The camp will host 12 students to introduce them to basics robotics and engineering. The week long camp will allow a limited number of students to stay in the UHV residence halls and experience life on campus. Activities will be provided for students in the afternoons and evenings.
Camp dates: 7/22 - 7/26
- The parental consent form signed by a parent of guardian for each student (Release and Indemnification Agreement ).
- The photograph consent form either signed, or declined by a parent or guardian (Image Authorization).
For more information please contact Dr. Amjad Nusayr.