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4.2 Copyright and Permission

Information on copyright laws and the Technology, Education and Copyright Harmonization (TEACH) Act of 2002 is available online through the UHV Library. Faculty are expected to ensure that their courses do not infringe upon any copyright or violate any property rights. Faculty are expected to confirm that course materials developed by others are "fair use" or that appropriate permission(s) to use or link to the materials have been acquired. The "fair use" principle means the extent that copyrighted material may be copied without permission of the copyright owner and encompasses four conditions or tests:

The university expected to comply with the Digital Millennium Copyright Act of 1998 regarding the protection of online copyrighted material. UHS compliance policy for the Act is delineated in UH System Administrative Memorandum (SAM) 07.A.04.

For specific questions and additional information on copyright, contact the appropriate librarian at the University of Houston-Victoria library.