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3.15 Shared Governance

Many of the functions of the institution and the colleges within the institution are the joint responsibilities of the faculty and administration. Faculty has a voice in decision-making processes at both the institutional level and college level.

The faculty has the primary responsibility for curricular matters and degree programs. Administration and the faculty collaborate in devising academic policies; establishing performance standards; protecting academic freedom; hiring, promoting, and tenuring other faculty members; hiring and reviewing administrators; creating budget priorities; and maintaining a faculty compensation plan. Finally, the faculty assists administration and student affairs in setting goals to improve the quality of campus life, the surrounding community, and the national academic standing of the institution.

An active faculty role is necessary in shaping institutional and college policies. The Faculty Senate participates in recommending faculty appointments and overseeing elections to institution-wide committees that affect the teaching/research/service mission of the institution and the ability of the faculty to carry out their duties. Deans consult with the faculty in the formation of college-wide committees that affect the teaching/research/service mission and the ability of the faculty to carry out their duties.

To ensure principles of inclusive decision-making:

When issues affect the institution, the Faculty Senate Executive Committee will be notified and will meet with the administration as needed to discuss the issues. College faculty will participate with the dean in all decision-making processes that affect the teaching/research/service mission of the college and the ability of the faculty to carry out their duties.