Sexual Assault Response Team
Section: Student Services Index: D-14
Subject: Sexual Misconduct Response Team
UHV is committed to providing a learning environment that is conducive for students to develop to their fullest potential. The Sexual Misconduct Response Team is part of the University’s overall efforts to reduce sexual misconduct on campus and respond to incidents that occur.
SMRT, or Sexual Misconduct Response Team, is a response team composed of representatives from university departments/offices to quickly respond to cases of sexual misconduct while providing appropriate services to all parties involved. SMRT will assess situations involving reported sexual misconduct and coordinate the University’s support services to achieve a comprehensive response.
Committee Composition
The team reports to the Title IX Coordinator.
The committee is chaired by the Title IX Coordinator and core members include:
- Title IX Coordinator and/or Assistant Coordinator, Deputy Title IX Coordinators
- Counselor/Confidential Advisor
- Director of Residence Life
- Sr. Director of Student Services & Judicial Affairs
- Police Sergeant
The committee may consult with the University of Houston System General Counsel and with the University of Houston Equal Opportunity Services Office. Other University officials may be asked to serve on the committee as needed.
Operations and Procedure Guidelines
The SMRT operates within the framework and definitions of the UH System Sexual Misconduct Policy, SAM 01.D.08.
All incidents of sexual misconduct shall be immediately reported to the Title IX Office. Reports shared confidentially by a student with a designated confidential resource employee will be redacted so as not to identify the reporting student.
When a sexual assault or violent sexual misconduct is reported, the Title IX Coordinator may call an emergency SMRT meeting or confer individually with SMRT members to address campus safety concerns.
The team will discuss the university and community resources available that may serve the reported party who has possibly experienced sexual misconduct. The team will also discuss the potential impact on the campus community and an appropriate university response.
If the accused individual is an identified campus community member, the SMRT will also discuss the university and community resources available that may serve the accused person.
The team members will update the SMRT and/or Title IX Coordinator on any non-confidential department services provided to the involved parties and efforts to address campus safety concerns.
For reports with identifiable involved parties within the possible jurisdiction of the University, the team will consider available evidence and provide the Title IX Coordinator with a recommendation to file or not file a formal complaint on behalf of the University. The team will consider as part of the analysis campus safety, including any concerns identified by the reported affected party and their preference(s) as to a formal complaint.
Following a report of sexual misconduct and subsequent team responses, the team will meet to debrief and evaluate the outcome of the situation.
University Communication Regarding the Sexual Misconduct Reporting and Resources
At the beginning of each semester, the Title IX Office will send an email notice to all students identifying the Title IX Coordinator and sharing information about University resources. The Title IX Office will also provide training to new employees on reporting requirements and resources as well as updated information to continuing employees on new policies and services.
Case Information and Confidentiality Procedures
Case information is considered confidential employee and/or student information and will be maintained in accordance with System policies, local policies and the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act as applicable.
If there are any questions and/or comments regarding this policy, please contact Rebecca Lake, Sr Director of Equal Access.
Approved by:
Signature Obtained July 20, 2020
Robert K. Glenn, Ph.D. Date
Next Review Date: July 2023
Origination: Student Services