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Grant Request Administration of Research and Sponsored Programs

Section: Sponsored Program Administration
Index: J-01


The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) is responsible for submitting, receiving, and overseeing sponsored programs from state and federal agencies and sponsored research activities awarded by non-profits and local agencies.

Awards are accepted as a legally binding means of transfer through a grant, contract, or cooperative agreement that codifies the sponsored program activity. The oversight involves adhering to applicable federal, state, and sponsored program regulations similar to Uniform Guidance, Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), and Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) and sponsor-specific imposed requirements.

The authority to submit and accept state, federal and sponsored research activities rests on behalf of the University with the director of research and sponsored programs.


  1. A sponsored program meets the following criteria:
  1. Grant, contract, cooperative agreement, or legally binding means of transfer:


Initially, the originator completes the Intent to Submit a Proposal form to notify the Office of Research and Sponsored Program or University Advancement of their intent to submit a grant proposal.

For proposals to Federal or State agencies: The coordination and execution of applications or proposals to Federal and State agencies is the responsibility of the Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP). Faculty and staff shall submit the form to the RSP for consultation and assistance. 

For proposals to private donors and entities (e.g., individuals, corporations, foundations, non-profit organizations, or local entities): The coordination and execution of private donors and entities is the purview of the Office of University Advancement (OUA). Therefore, the Intent to Submit a Proposal form shall be submitted to OUA.  All faculty and staff must adhere to UHV General policy A-46 Coordination of Private Grant/Gift Comm | University of Houston-Victoria ( when desiring to contact or communicate with a potential private donor. 

For any proposal that includes research activities: Sponsored programs that include research activities are subject to additional guidelines that may impact grant submission, project timelines, and subsequent approval processes (e.g., pursuing approval from UHV’s Human Subjects Committee for study solicitations or marketing materials). Therefore, individuals wishing to pursue solicitations or proposals where the project also includes a research component must pursue necessary research approvals before submitting the proposal—regardless of the funding source. Any research activity discussions with potential sponsors should involve an RSP staff member regardless of the donor type. Upon completion of the application or proposal, the originator completes the External Grant Proposal Routing Sheet

 and obtains the applicable approval signatures. The purpose of the routing sheet is to ensure that the proposal is consistent with the institutional mission and policies.

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (RSP) shall be the central repository for External Grant Proposal Routing Sheets.  OUA will provide RSP with a copy of the completed routing sheet and proposal when an application involves a private donor and entities (e.g., corporations, foundations, and/or non-profit organizations. OUA will retain the original documents.

The general procedures for administering sponsored program funding are on the RSP web pages regarding pre-award, award notification, post-award (operations of the project), program oversight, and expenditure of funds. It is the responsibility of the RSP to maintain the guide at all times, reflecting current UHV and sponsor requirements.

Review and Responsibility

By the authority of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs, the RSP shall be the responsible party for the Intent to Submit a Proposal form and External Grant Proposal Routing Sheet.

The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs and the Office of University Advancement will report grant activity to the UH System periodically as determined by the UH System.

Supporting Documents

  1. Faculty Manual, 3.14.1:
  2. Intent to Submit a Proposal
  3. External Grant Proposal Routing Sheet
  4. Guidelines for Sponsored Programs


Approved By:

Signature Obtained 08/22/2023
Robert K. Glenn, Ph.D.

Next Review Date: August 2028 (5 years)
Origination: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs