Retirement/Resignation Protocol
Section: General Index: A-38
Faculty and staff should advise their immediate supervisor of their resignation or retirement intentions as far in advance as possible, so that plans can be made for their replacement with the least interruption of service.
Faculty members shall address letters of resignation or retirement to the School Dean with a copy to the Chair, Director and Provost. Human Resources Office will be sent the original letter for the faculty member's file.
Cabinet-level administrators shall address such letters to the President with a copy to the immediate supervisor, as applicable. The Human Resources Office will be sent the original letter for the employee's file.
All Other
All other staff shall address their letters to their immediate supervisor. The Human Resources Office will be sent the original letter for the staff member's file.
Approved by:
Signature Obtained 12/18/2015
Raymond V. Morgan, Jr., Ph.D. Date
Interim President
Next review date: December, 2020
Origination: Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs