Legislative Protocol
Section: General Index: A-2
Policy regarding legislation is determined by the Board of Regents. The UHS Administrative Memorandum 09.A.01, delegates responsibility for "external communications with governmental entities" to the Chancellor. With system-wide participation in the development and drafting of the Legislative Agenda, one single agenda is produced for the University of Houston System.
Board of Regents Policy 81.01: Governmental Appearances states,
All System and component University employees appearing before Congress, the Texas Legislature, City, County, or governmental body, or their agencies, committees, or members to offer testimony, opinions, or commentary in regard to existing or potential laws, rules, or regulations, not expressly authorized to do so by the Board or the Chancellor, must clearly state in advance that they are appearing in their individual capacities and that their testimony, opinions, and commentary are not authorized by, and must not be construed as reflecting on, the position of the System. (05/17/07)
Signature obtained 07/7/16
Raymond V. Morgan, Jr., Ph.D. Date
Next review date: June 2021
Origination: Marketing & Communications Department