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SECTION: Index A – General




The purpose of Assignment and Use of Space is to support the academic educational mission, strategic goals and accuracy in State reporting. Assignment of space is for a specific use and is usually made to a department. All changes in the use or classification of space and all reassignment of space from one department to another must be presented to the Facilities Space Planning Committee (FSPC) for review.   The FSPC will present recommendations to the President and the Executive Committee for all modification, renovation, or other changes to site, physical plant or landscape for approval.  All changes require the approval of the President or his/her designee. The President has delegated to the Registrar the assignment of all instructional space (i.e., general purpose classrooms, teaching laboratories, and lecture auditoria) for specific classes.


Processing Of Space Requests

All requests for changes in assignment or use of space, leasing of space, or requests for renovation or construction of space, are to be initiated by the department requesting the changes. The department must complete the web-based “Space Request Form” and electronically submit completed form to the FSPC for review.  Once reviewed the committee will forward their recommendations to the President and the Executive Committee for final approval.  Approval of renovation and/or construction of space is dependent on fund availability and need. If space change request is approved, the FSPC will notify the department requesting the change and the person/department responsible for State reporting of space usage.  If the space change request is denied, the FSPC will notify the department.  All notifications will be via email.

Types Of Space Requests

The following list provides guidelines concerning types of changes that require the approval of the President and the Executive Committee.  The Standard Room Sizes lists the standard sizes of each room type for UHV campus construction and renovation. 


Approved by:

Signature Obtained 01/11/2022                        
Robert K. Glenn, Ph.D.           

Next Review Date: January 2027 (5 years)
Origination: Administration and Finance



If there are any comments and/or questions regarding this policy, please contact the Vice President of Admin/Finance.