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Manually Produced Checks

Section: Fiscal
Index: B-11


Manually produced checks are utilized for special circumstances involving emergencies, such as natural disasters or technological/proximity incidents, or in rare situations where the immediate issuance of a payment is necessary for the continuity of essential business functions. These checks require special handling and by necessity are limited.

Manual checks are issued from the University of Houston Office of the Treasurer only after approval of the Finance Department or Payroll Department and the Vice President for Administration and Finance or designee.

Payments for emergency expenditures may only be issued from a local (fund 2 or 3) cost center.


Procedure for Requesting Emergency Manual Check

This procedure outlines two alternate methods to be followed to request and authorize emergency manual checks from the University of Houston-Victoria operating account depending on whether or not PeopleSoft Financials is functioning.

A copy of this policy and procedure, including forms, shall be included within the campus Business Continuity plan.

Procedure for Requesting Immediate Issuance of Non-Payroll Payment

In limited non-emergency situations where immediate issuance of non-payroll payment is necessary for the continuity of essential business functions:

Supporting Documents

  1. UH System Administration Memorandum 03.A.09


Approved by:

Signature Obtained 05/31/2023
Robert K. Glenn, Ph.D.                     

Next Review Date: May 2028 (5 years)
Origination: Finance Department