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If U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Comes to Campus Immigration Customs Enforcement (ICE) information for Students, Staff, Faculty and Administrators

This briefing outlines steps for University of Houston-Victoria faculty and staff to follow if Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents come to campus. The document is not legal advice but rather guiding principles to ensure legal compliance while protecting the rights and privacy of students, staff, and faculty. 

Public Access (including Immigration officials) versus Limited Access Areas of UHV Campus

As a public university, the University of Houston-Victoria maintains a significant portion of its campus as open to the public, including enforcement officers. However, access is restricted or limited in areas due to privacy concerns, operational needs, or safety considerations. Federal immigration enforcement officers are subject to these same access restrictions and must adhere to University protocols when entering non-public spaces.

It is important to note that ICE or federal Department of Homeland Security officials may be on campus for reasons unrelated to enforcement actions, such as career recruitment events and guest lectures.

Due to our international programs, the University must report certain information about students with F-1 or J-1 visa status to ICE. This reporting is routine, and the University must comply with on-site visits to review records when requested.

Access Categories

Access Category



Public Access

Areas open to the general public where entry is not restricted or limited. These spaces are freely accessible and may include outdoor and common-use areas.

Outdoor areas, Library common areas, University Commons open areas, dining hall, unrestricted access buildings and streets.

Restricted Access

Areas that require a key card, locked doors, or monitored entryways for access are protected to maintain safety and privacy.

Residence halls, locked classrooms, administrative offices, and restricted research laboratories.

Limited Access

Spaces are generally left unlocked during work hours but are not considered public due to their function. Access to these areas may require special permission or operational needs.

Faculty offices, classrooms in session, locker rooms, kitchens, food preparation areas, maintenance areas, storage rooms, and other operational facilities.

Steps to Take When Contacted by Immigration Customs Enforcement

Remain Calm and Professional

Request Identification and Documentation

Direct ICE Agents to the Appropriate Contact

Designated Police Officer will work directly with the agent

Protect Student and Employee Privacy

Additional Support for Students, Faculty, and Staff:

You may also direct affected individuals to UHV’s International Programs Office at (361) 570-4106; or the Counseling Center at 361-570-4135; additional support if requested or needed.