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Degree Plan

A female student posing outside UHV Center by jaX

Core Curriculum


Approved University Admission
1 – 2 page Letter for Admission to Graduate Creative Writing Program
Letter of Recommendation #1
Letter of Recommendation #2
20 – 30 page Creative Writing Sample
Official GRE Data
Minimum Graduate Index score of 980 or higher
*Formal Admission to the MFA Creative Writing Program

Student should submit admission criteria to Office of Admissions and Records
Office of Admissions and Records collates criteria and sends it to School for review after Student submits all criteria.

female student outside with laptop

Creative Writing Core

Graduate Writing Workshop: 12 semester hours (4 sections):

ENGL 6360
ENGL 6361
ENGL 6363
ENGL 6364

Form and Poetics

ENGL 6333

Creative Writing Elective Courses

Elective Courses – 15 semester hours

Students select a minimum of five elective courses, fifteen semester hours, which may include the following PUBL (Publishing) or ENGL (English) courses:

PUBL 6310 Introduction to Publishing
PUBL 6312 Publication Design
PUBL 6314 Legal Environment of Publishing and Contracts
PUBL 6316 Style and Editing
PUBL 6318 Digital Publishing
PUBL 6320 The Business of Books

ENGL 6300 Selected Topics in English
ENGL 6330 British Literary History
ENGL 6332 American Literary History
ENGL 6340 Literary Theory
ENGL 6350 Genre Studies
ENGL 6362 Studies in Latino Literature


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Creative Writing Major Requirements

MFA Thesis – 6 semester hours

ENGL 6308 MFA Thesis
ENGL 6308 MFA Thesis

The three credit hour course must be taken for two semesters for a total of six credit hours. The MFA thesis is a book length work of literary merit. While individual theses will vary in length, the program has established guidelines of 50 pages for poetry, 100 - 125 pages for short fiction, and 150 pages and up for a novel. Students must complete at least 24 hours of coursework before requesting a thesis director.

Anthony Madrid

Faculty Testimonial

"Teaching here is especially pleasant because there's all this untapped creative energy among the students. Anyone who likes to see lively cultural activities can have the satisfaction of nurturing them here."

- Anthony Madrid
Director of Creative Writing, Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing
