Pathway to Bachelor of Business Administration
An Associates to a Bachelors degree
Blinn College and UHV have partnered to create a seamless transition to help you complete a bachelor’s degree while saving time and money. A business major is in demand across a lot of industries. When you earn your degree in business with a strong foundation in finance and leadership management and accounting you can be successful in many different roles in a variety of job fields.
First Year - Freshman
First Semester at Blinn
- BUSI 1301 Business Principles
- MATH 1324 Mathematics for Business & Social Science / Finite Math
- ENGL 1301 English Composition I
- HIST 1301 United States History I
- Core 50 Creative Arts
Second Semester at Blinn
- BCIS 1305 Business Computer Applications
- ECON 2302 Principles of Microeconomics (B or better to waive ECON 6351)
- MATH 1325 Calculus for Business and Social Sciences
- ENGL 1302 English Composition II
- HIST 1302 United States History II
Second Year - Sophomore
First Semester at Blinn
- ECON 2301 Principles of Microeconomics (B or better to waive ECON 6351)
- ACCT 2301 Principles of Financial Accounting (B or better to waive ACCT 6351-MBA)
- GOVT 2305 Federal Government
- PHIL 1301 Introduction to Philosophy
- LPS Life Physical Science
Second Semester at Blinn
- ACCT 2302 Principles of Managerial Accounting (B or better to waive ACCT 6351-MBA)
- BUSI 2305 Business Statistics (B or better to waive QMSC 6351-MBA)
- GOVT 2306 Texas Government
- SPCH 1315 Public Speaking - Business and Professional Speaking (preferred)
- LPS Life Physical Science
Third Year - Junior
First Semester at UHV
- COMM 3327 Managerial Communication
- MGMT 3303 Principles of Management
- MKTG 3303 Principles of Marketing
- BUSI 3304 Data Analytics & Decision-Making
- MGMT 3304 Legal Environment of Business
Second Semester at UHV
- FINC 3304 Business Finance
- Elective LD/UD Elective Course
- Elective LD/UD Elective Course
- Concentration Course 18-21 credits focused on concentration (10 options)
- Elective LD/UD Elective Course
Fourth Year - Senior
First Semester at UHV
- Concentration Course 18-21 credits focused on concentration (10 options)
- Concentration Course 18-21 credits focused on concentration (10 options)
- Concentration Course 18-21 credits focused on concentration (10 options)
- Elective LD/UD Elective Course
- Elective LD/UD Elective Course
Second Semester at UHV
- Concentration Course 18-21 credits focused on concentration (10 options)
- Concentration Course 18-21 credits focused on concentration (10 options)
- Concentration Course/Elective 18-21 credits focused on concentration (10 options)
- MGMT 4309 Strategic Management (capstone)
- Elective LD/UD Elective Course
First Year Graduate
First Semester at UHV
- ACCT 6351*** Financial Reporting and Analysis
- ECON 6351*** Economics for Managers
- MGMT 6352 Management Info. Systems
- Concentration MBA Concentration Course
Second Semester at UHV
- QMSC 6351*** Statistics and Research Methods
- ACCT 6352 Strategic Cost Accounting
- MGMT 6354 Organizational Ldrshp. and Ethics
First Year Graduate
First Semester at UHV
- MKTG 6352 Marketing Management
- FINC 6352 Financial Management
- Concentration MBA Concentration Course
Second Semester at UHV
- MGMT 6359 Seminar in Strategic Mgmt.
- Concentration MBA Concentration Course
- Concentration MBA Concentration Course